Latest review on KS 4th Gen One-Size Bamboo Cloth Diaper
Reviewer: Noorsidi Aizuddin (Brisbane, Australia) 28/06/2010 01:23pm The new generation of Cloth Diapers (CD) by KS is very helpful and absolutely helps my daughter to move actively and proudly. After using this CD, there is no redness and help my child to sit with ease! We are very grateful for this quality product.
Reviewer: Swee Liew
28/06/2010 11:46am
KS 4th Gen One Size Hybrid Cloth Diaper(CD) was introduced at right timing as the CD market is venturing into eco-friendly elements. The new hybrid cloth diaper is softer and gentle on the skin. It's more breathable. Moreover, it has attractive colour ranges and the most is, the price is still among the cheapest in the market. Congratulations for having sense of innovation to benefit the users. I will definitely recommend KS 4th Gen One Size Hybrid Cloth Diaper to others.
Reviewer: Azrina
25/06/2010 09:56pm
definitely money worth buying.....thumbs up for the improvement from your previous gen...can fit larger baby....the softness ...feel of bamboo material....sooo good...