Sunday, August 9, 2009

Breastfeeding - Cuts Cancer Risks in Mothers (I)

Breastfeeding reduces your risk of breast cancer

A fishing community living on boats in the delta of the Pearl River, Hong Kong, always breastfed their babies from one breast only, the right one, because their dress traditionally opened this side.

In a study of the relation between breastfeeding and cancer on the womenfolk there done by doctors in 2 hospitals in Hong Kong, it was found that 27 out of 34 women over 55 had breast cancer in the breast which they had not used for feeding.

Not breastfeeding increase your risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Not breastfeeding increase your risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Breastfeeding helps you get back into shape

Breastfeeding requires an average of 500 extra calories per day. Mothers who breastfed exclusively or partially had significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and were less above their pre-pregnancy weights at 1 month post -partum than mothers who fed formula exclusively.

Suckling helps shrink your uterus after childbirth

Nursing will help you to regain your figure more quickly also because the process of lactation causes the uterus (which has increased during pregnancy to about 20 times its normal size) to shrink more quickly to its pre-pregnancy size.

On the other hand, the uterus of the non-breastfeeding mother will never shrink back to its pre-pregnant size. It will always remain slightly enlarged.

[Source:CAP GUIDE: Breastfeeding makes your child more intelligent & healthy]