Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Breastfeeding - Fights Diseases (Part III)

Natural pain relief for baby

Breast milk actually contains chemicals that suppress pain (endorphins).Many a bruise or scrape has been soothed away almost instantly by a few moments of nursing. If you choose to have your child vaccinated, it is a good idea to nurse immediately after he/she receives a vaccination. This soothes the hurt.

Breastfeed babies get fewer cavities

Bottle-fed babies are at increased risk for baby bottle caries, a destructive dental condition which occurs when a baby is put to bed with a bottle containing formula, milk, juice or other fluids high in carbohydrates. Expensive and extensive dental repair may be required.

If the teeth come in straight, there's no need to fix them-meaning less money spent on corrective orthodontics treatment.

Less chance of baby getting eczema
  • According to 1995 Lancet study, breastfeeding for 6 months can prevent eczema in babies during the first 3 years.
  • Another study published in the British Medical Journal found that eczema was less common and milder in babies who were breastfed (22%). Instead, in infants fed casein hydrolysate, soymilk, or cow's milk, 21%, 63% and 70% respectively developed atopic eczema.
  • An American study that followed over 20,000 babies for 5 years found that there were 7 times as many babies with eczema in the bottle-fed group as in those completely breastfed. And babies given some breast and some bottle milk were twice as likely to get eczema as the totally breastfed ones.
Less chance of hernia

Breastfeeding is protective against inguinal hernias. For unknown reasons breastfed babies experience significantly fewer of them.

Decreased risk of baby developing urinary tract infections.

Breast milk is good for combating eye infections

Breast milk contains natural antibiotic qualities, and many mothers swear that a squirt in the irritated eye of their baby has cleared up the problem in no time.

Breast milk has antibacterial properties, so breastfed babies have fewer illnesses

About 80% of the cells in breast milk are macrophages, cells that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Breastfed babies are protected, in varying degrees, from a number of illness, including pneumonia, botulism, bronchitis, staphylococcal infections, influenza, ear infections and German measles.

Furthermore, mothers produce antibodies to whatever disease is present in their environment, so mother's milk is custom-designed to fight the diseases their babies are exposed to as well.

Breastfed babies are healthier overall and thus require fewer doctor visits.

Breastfed babies have great skin

This is not based on a formal study. Check out the skin of breastfed baby and see what you think.