Thursday, January 1, 2009

Breastfeeding - Makes your child more INTELLIGENT & HEALTHY

How to make your child more intelligent?

Want an intelligent, healthy child? There's a proven solution that lies beyond expensive books, computer lessons, tuition classes and IQ pills - mother's milk.

Breast milk is superior infant food. It contains at least 100 ingredients not found, and that cannot be replicated, in infant formula. And it has just the right amount of fatty acids, lactose, water, and amino acids for human digestion, brain development, and growth.

Breastfeeding will also give your child immunity from infection, less chance of obesity, less risk of dental decay and many other life-long health benefits.

More than two decades of research have established that breast milk is perfectly suited to nourish infants and protect them from illness. This is because about 80% of the cells in breast milk are cell that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Breastfed babies thus have fewer illnesses. You save money (especially in today economy situation) not just on infant formula, but also on doctors' bills!

You may help save your child's life too. Human milk straight from the breast is always sterile, never contaminated by polluted water or dirty bottles, which can lead to potentially fatal diarrhoea in the infant.

That's not all.No babies are allergic to their mother's milk. In the contrast, some babies are allergic to cow's milk, and have to be prescribed 3 or 4 different formulas before an agreeable one is found. Allergic reactions to artificial food can be so severe that they threaten a baby's life.

Also, cow's milk contains a different type of protein which human infants can have difficulty digesting. (About half the protein in cow's milk passes through the baby's body as a waste product.) Human milk is easier to digest, so the baby energy is conserved for better growth - of his brain and body.... To be continued.

Looking for breastfeeding products? Please visit KasihkuSayangku